Disney’s “Galactic Starcruiser,” far from being a mere Star Wars themed “hotel,” was an piece of intense two day interactive theater that invited the audience to become part of the story. Showrunners created several fascinating original non-human characters including the ship’s Captain Keevan, the musician Gaya, and a character with a fully animatronic prosthetic called...
Friendly Faces Pet Care
A literal pet project for the good folks who cared for our animals in Austin Texas, Friendly Faces was an opportunity to use a bit of whimsy in the world of design. The owner of Friendly Faces was then known for his distinctive handlebar mustache, and I felt like playing off that theme, along with...
Azul Tequila Logo
Azul Tequila is a bar and restaurant in Austin that has distinguished itself for having an excellent variety of high quality tequilas and amazing cuisine from the interior of Mexico. When the owner approached the creative team at Umbrella Media looking for a logo that was both a modern and trendy nod to their current...
Various Logo Designs
Over the years I’ve produced many forms of branding either as a demonstration of my skills, for clients whose businesses never took off, or as part of a team where other options were chosen for various reasons. Included here are a selection of these to show my creativity, process, and technical skill in producing these...
Fine Art Illustrations
Over the years I’ve produced a number of illustrations for various purposes. SCAD taught design from a fine arts foundation, and required all students to be competent in the basic principles and techniques of composition and illustration.